DTC at a Glance
Delhi Transport Corporation has about 3700 buses in operation and about 27,000 employees comprising of drivers, conductors, traffic supervisory & administration staff. DTC is operating its fleet from 35 depots which is headed by a Depot Manager. All 35 depots are categorized in total 4 regions viz. East, North, South & West and each region is headed by Regional Manager.
Apart, DTC is also managing Fare Collection Management System (FCMS) in respect of 1389 cluster buses with 10 Depots, headed by I/c FCMS and Depot Managers. DTC’s Training School is situated at Nand Nagari Depot Complex, Delhi-93 and equipped with the required infrastructure. Department to Drivers, Conductors and other allied staff is being imparted. Besides, driving tests are also being conducted. As on 31.12.2020, 9393 nos. of drivers are on the strength of the roll of DTC. i.e. 5545 are regular drivers and 3848 are contractual drivers.

15050 nos. of conductors are on the strength of the roll of DTC. i.e. 388 are regular conductors and 14662 are contractual conductors (including 4029 cont. conductors engaged in FCMS of cluster buses). Prescribed staff strength on the fleet of 5500 buses is 38775.